Thursday, July 24, 2008

Follow Up to First Post

OK, as you seen in my last post that I was talking about blogs to make money on the net, but that's not the only way to make money on the net, there's affiliate programs of all kinds as you seen in my last post, but it's not about what program you join, it's about how you market it, you see most people do know that when thy get on the Internet to make money that your becoming an Internet marketer, and your advertising something for sale, so first you have to find something for sale and then you have to advertise it, you have to get traffic to your web page, I found that you can use free traffic like from blogs or in forms, but be careful in forms because if thy think that your advertising then thy may kick you off so you have to look at the rules. well that's going to do it for today.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Journey on the Web

Well here we go, Hello my name is Jeff Fox I'm not one for putting down my thoughts on paper, much less a blog, what I'm wanting to do here is talk about all the programs I come across on the net, and hopefully I will make some money in the progress, that is my goal.

I ran in to something the other day where this guy has a free video showing you how to make money off blogs so I put up a few blogs, and I'm hoping to put up more, and hopefully make something, you can see my list of blogs to the Right, it's called All My Blogs, it's pretty simple and this guy shows you how to put in Google AdSense ads, and Click Bank links in your blogs, you can see them here on my blog at the Right and on the bottom of the page, I also found out that you can use other affiliate programs, like Amazon, E-Bay and many others, Click Bank has I over 10,000 down loadable E-Books that you can sale, well I think that's going to do it for today, please stop by often and see what I'm doing, about every two or three days I will be putting up more, Like I said before I'm not much for putting my thoughts on paper, so till next time.