Sunday, July 12, 2009

How to Leverage Your Way to $1,OOOs

Leverage: Using the strength and energy of things, systems and people outside of yourself to exert aneffort upon something that is MANY times MORE powerful than yourself alone.
And that's exactly how to become rich, and how the rich become richer -> They LEVERAGE other peoples time, money and efforts to create a result they couldn't possibly do alone.
That's working SMARTER, not harder. And that means you also work LESS, not more.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

-------------------Cool Tool #1:-------------------
If you do social bookmarking, you need to check this out. It's free to use, and although some of the sites listed in the service are gone, it's still very useful for speeding up your social bookmarking!

-------------------Cool Tool #2:-------------------
Want to drive targeted traffic to your blog? BlogBurst is a coolwebsite that allows you to do it by having your new postssyndicated on related blogs on the net.. very very cool :)

These tools are used by some to create amazing results -

startusing them right now :)

To YOUR Online Success!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ok, I just started this new Twitter account under the name TweepsofNaples and I'm trying to find people in my home town of Naples Fl, there's also this cool little program that you can download called TwitterLocal, just type in your zip code and find people in your own home town useing Twitter, go check it out.

Till next time.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

OK, I know it's been some time since I've posted anything it's been really busy, but I hope to make it easier for everyone to keep up with me I now have a Twitter at I've been seeing allot of big name's with Twitter like Ellen D, Taylor Swift and even News cast host, all the way to Internet marketer's, well that's it for today.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Well I'm back with another post, I know it's been some time since my last post, but thing's have been busy, I came across this site the other day called CamStreams, it's really cool you can setup your own live stream, I thought this would be good if you wanted to do a live web show to show what your offering, this would be even good for traffic, I have only had My Cam up for about 2 week's, and I've had over 500 hits by the time of this posting, and it hasn't even been running the whole time, well it's like this you have to have the cam running and someone in the chat room before thy show your preview on the front page, but that's easy you just leave a browser open on your page.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Gurus Dream Report

Well hello again, I got this free report the other day from this guy Alex Jeffreys called The Gurus Dream Report, this report was hot not to say the least, it showed me some of what's to come of the Internet, now if you don't know Alex Jeffreys don't feel bad neither did I, till I read his report, This truly was an AMAZING report, In fact, this is one of the best reports I have ever read about Internet marketing.

This should almost be required reading for anyone who is serious about building their own online business.

One of the best tips in the report was recommending that people get a mentor since it will save someone years of trial and error.

if you want to get the report you can find it here

Sunday, October 12, 2008

OK, I got this from an E-Mail I just got from one of the Internet experts,
There's no such thing as too much money. If you find yourself in need of cash and want to earn it online here are three ways that you can do it that work.

1.) Online Auction It can't get much easier than this. Everyone has a basement, garage, or attic that is overflowing with items that have the potential to help you make money online. Dig into those places that haven't been cleaned out for years and you may find items that will sell very well.

One person's trash is another person's treasure.Once you have a few items rounded up head over to Ebay and post your items. If you have a digital camera you might want to take pictures to use in your posting.
Auctions with pictures sell much better than those that do not.

2) Blog for Bucks Auctions are a short term solution.
If you're looking for a long term fix for you cash crunch a blog just might be the ticket. Blogs are all the rage on the Internet today and many Internet marketers are making a virtual killing from their blogs.

Pick a niche that you like and start reviewing products in that niche. Monetize the blog with AdSense or affiliate marketing and you're on the way to a successful Internet business.The best part about blogging is that it's free. and will give you a free blog, all you have to do is register and set it up.

3.) Freelance Work This is one of the ideas for someone who really doesn't want to run an online marketing business but still wants to earn a living online. Jump over to Elance or Rentacoder and look at the job offerings. Register with them and start bidding on the jobs.

While you are at it look at some of your fellow service providers and you'll see that freelance work can make a lot of money. There are providers on both services that have knocked down $40,000 or more in the last six months. There you have it, three easy ways to earn money online.

Talk soon,

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Introduction to who I am

Hello Again Everyone !

For those of you that don't know me My name is Jeff Fox, and I'm not an Internet marketing guru, what I am is someone that's been on the Internet for along time since 1993 when I was 33 years young :0) My first computer was a Packard Bell 386MHz with Windows 3.0 and a 24k modem (man was that slow ) and I was getting my Internet service from the local free net, when I got hooked up to the Internet I thought this was the greatest thing in the world and that I was going to make my millions, I started out by building my own website, even back then I knew that I needed a website, it was a website with nick-knacks, fingerings, glass flowers, and allot of other stuff, it was over 300 pages, and it was allot of work, I had to scan allot of pictures, wright the descriptions, build all the paypal buttons and place them next to the products, then I had to get a host and domain name and load every thing up to the server, and I really didn't know anything about how to do all this, but I keep with it, I had to get a business license and a credit card processing account just in case I had an order over the phone, then I had to learn how to market my website, even back then I knew that I needed traffic to come to my website, but that never went anywhere, so I gave that web business go, after that I thought that I would try with affiliate programs, so I signed up for a few from places like Commission Junction, Amazon, All Posters, then I got in to Click Bank and E-Bay, and the list go's on and on, but I never seem to make any money, but as I keep looking I find all kinds of information about how to make money on the Internet, and it all seems so simple that anyone can do it (even a caveman :0) and I think that anyone can do it if thy just put there mind to it and stick to the program, I know its hard with all the programs going on out there, but all you have to do is find one or two that works for you, and stick to it, if thy have videos that shows you how to do the program, just fallow the videos, if there going to fast just stop the video and do what thy say, and then just start the video again, I know that there's stuff out there that can make us small guys some money on the Internet, as I search around on the Internet, and in the stuff that comes in my emails :0) I will keep you informed of the tips and tricks that I learn, if you would like to keep updated on what I'm doing and for some extar tips yo can sign up for my news letter up in the upper right hand corner.

Thank You

Jeff Fox

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How to Easily Make Money on the Internet.

Today, I've written another great free article that is going to you show a short, detailed way to actually start making money on the Internet quickly and easily. Again... Nothing to buy... Just read it and TAKE ACTION! Here you go...You really can make money on the Internet. It's not that hard to do, you just need a proven plan that works. You also need to be patient and understand that there is no such thing as "get-rich-quick". If you really want to make money on the Internet here is how to do it. First you need to have something to sell. You can either create your own product or you can sell a product that someone else has created which is called being and affiliate. Whatever route you decide, make sure that the product is top notch. If you sell something that is junk, it won't be long before you are out of business. Once you have a product, you will want to write up Short report. The report should be around five to ten pages long and contain useful content. Do not try to sell anything in this report. You are going to give it away for free. This is how you will make money on the Internet in the near future. After writing your free report, you need to create as mall web page that contains a very strong headline and a few bullet points that lay out the benefits of your free report. You will need to get an auto responder. This tool will build a list of visitors who sign up to get your free report. Just do a search on Google for "auto responders" and you'll find many to choose from. Now that you have all of this set up, you need to drive laser targeted visitors to your web page so you can get people to start signing up for your free report. To do this, you should start writing and submitting minimum of two articles per day. Keep the articles around 250-300 words each. Pack them full of useful content just like the article you are reading right now. Once people read your article, you use your resource box to send them to your web page so they can sign up to your list. Once you start building your list, you will also beg into make money on the Internet by offering them your product or affiliate products. If you mix up your emails with free content and product offers you should be able to do fairly well for yourself. Keep at it. Be patient. Be consistent. Thank you

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Follow Up to First Post

OK, as you seen in my last post that I was talking about blogs to make money on the net, but that's not the only way to make money on the net, there's affiliate programs of all kinds as you seen in my last post, but it's not about what program you join, it's about how you market it, you see most people do know that when thy get on the Internet to make money that your becoming an Internet marketer, and your advertising something for sale, so first you have to find something for sale and then you have to advertise it, you have to get traffic to your web page, I found that you can use free traffic like from blogs or in forms, but be careful in forms because if thy think that your advertising then thy may kick you off so you have to look at the rules. well that's going to do it for today.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Journey on the Web

Well here we go, Hello my name is Jeff Fox I'm not one for putting down my thoughts on paper, much less a blog, what I'm wanting to do here is talk about all the programs I come across on the net, and hopefully I will make some money in the progress, that is my goal.

I ran in to something the other day where this guy has a free video showing you how to make money off blogs so I put up a few blogs, and I'm hoping to put up more, and hopefully make something, you can see my list of blogs to the Right, it's called All My Blogs, it's pretty simple and this guy shows you how to put in Google AdSense ads, and Click Bank links in your blogs, you can see them here on my blog at the Right and on the bottom of the page, I also found out that you can use other affiliate programs, like Amazon, E-Bay and many others, Click Bank has I over 10,000 down loadable E-Books that you can sale, well I think that's going to do it for today, please stop by often and see what I'm doing, about every two or three days I will be putting up more, Like I said before I'm not much for putting my thoughts on paper, so till next time.